Wednesday, 24 September 2014

10 types of pictures

This is a wide shot and this type of shot is there to mainly set the scene of where the story or thing you are doing is taking place or when you are on a news scene.

This picture is taken from  a high angle to portray the person in the picture as being small, weak and vulnerable.

This picture is taken from a low angle to portray the person in the picture as being big and strong and drunk with power.

This shot is a medium close up and this type of shot is used to show what type of person the character is and what type of characteristics they have.

This is a close up shot and this type of shot is used for how the expressions on the face show how the character is feeling.

                                                                              This is an over the shoulder shot. This shows that that a male character may be talking or communicating in some way and type way he is staring may suggest this is a tense scene and something serious may happen.

This is called a medium shot and in this shot you can tell a fight is taking place and the scene is fierce and severe. This type of shot is usually used to show an action someone is taking.

This is an extreme close up shot and this kind of shot is normally also to tell how the character is feeling by looking into there eyes.

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