Genre: Action
The storyline as you can visualise is of an alien looking man from another planet called krypton which was unstable and as a result detonated. A baby from that planet was sent to earth in a spaceship and what followed was the cause of the destruction of krypton and when the baby arrives to earth the radiation of the son changes the baby's body in ways of strength power and intelligence.
The characters are of any typical superhero movie, there is an heroic human with mystical powers in disguise ( in this case an extra terrestrial who doesn't differ in looks) who is secretly in love with an ordinary lady with dazzling looks, who is always in need of heroic assistance. You will also see the characters least popular like the lady's friends or co-workers or the superhero's parents.
There is large amounts of iconography like the superhero meeting the lady by saving her, the kiss, The side battles and lost but not least the final and most breath taking site, the boss battle.
There are a variety of setting like the farm where he was raised from child to adult, the arctic when the superhero learns where he originated from and the big city where the main fight scenes occur which consists of being in restaurants, banks and skyscrapers, right out in the open either in the streets or in mid air above the city.
Genre: Action, Adventure and Comedy.
The storyline is about a group of young teenage mutated turtles being trained by a their master ( a human mutated into a rat) into unstoppable skilful ninjas therefore being the phrase they are called by-Teenage mutant ninja turtles. They in the eyes of the audience are heroes seeing as they save the whole city from an invasion from and elite criminal ninja who has some personal history with the gang and especially with their master.
The characters consumed by this adventurous movie are inhuman as you could say but have the emotions and action of human, there are four mutated turtles who are experts at ninjutsu. They are trained by a male human mutated rat who has skill martial arts skill beyond anyone you could think could exist or even imagine. There enemy is beyond your imagination, he is a man of skill and money. one word. Unstoppable. But those word for the four only mean to work harder.
The amount of amazing iconography is stunning. The fights scenes are to die for the graphics and the acrobatics of the four ninjas are amazing. This makes this movie a one of kind. The fights especially where there are many for the four to take on are definitely without doubt the best there skill level compared to there enemies as you can tell from the iconography has a large difference in the turtles favour.
There is a variety of setting from bridges to subways to on top of buildings, but to sum that all up to one setting it would be new York city. There are so many types of setting changing from scene to scene fight to fight its hard to keep count but it all takes place in a large city.
Genre: Action, Thriller
The story line is about a boy who has lost his mother and is only left with his neglectful father and big headed brother. His brother would tell him to be a man and to ask the girl he had liked since he had first laid his eyes on her, and in the process he would help her film something in an abandoned barn and as resulting unstoppable tornadoes start to bombard anything that is a constriction in their path and the next tornado would always be the worst especially the final one. The largest tornado to ever set course upon the earth.
The characters in this movie vary, you have the obnoxious brother, the work first father, the main character having the worst time of his life, the girl he's loved since the beginning of time, as the trailer shows. You can tell this but the way the characters talk and what they say.
The iconography is so realistic it seems as if you were actually in the movie or that you were actually within the tornado. The graphics are just extraordinary compared to recent tornado movies especially as they have different types of tornadoes. But the best, was the final tornado it was the most gigantic and lethal ever to take place on the earth.
The setting like the movie before vary's from places like a barn, to open ground, to farms, to schools to the the big city and to even more. You can tell this because i the trailer it shows many scenes with different setting of where all the tornadoes occurred.
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